In the movie 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' a robot was used to stimulate the older version of Brad Pitt.Now using the same technology as used their,a robot of Einstein would be made to welcome people at the Technology,Entertainment and Design conference in Long Beach,California.This is something really exciting if you are a Einstein fan like me :)

It has been designed by David Hanson, a roboticist from Dallas.The robot has been made as to look exactly like the original to get the best of the emotions out of it.In actual a face requires 48 muscles to make a motion,in the robot 32small motors would be used to stimulate the effect.

Moreover there are two cameras which act as the eyes of the robot,but are made to look like an actual eye. Einstein is dead for like 50 years but still his genius lives on,and i think its a great way bring him back in a techy manner.

This is the fourth of its kind,and was created just two months ago.Other Hanson robots are on display at universities and museums around the globe.


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